
What to Send Me

What You Get

Prices & Checkout

Facial Gender & FFS:
• In a Nutshell
Hair and Hairline
• Forehead
Adam's Apple
• Facelifts
Hormonal Effects
• Ethnic Variations

• Virtual FFS FAQs
• General FFS FAQs

My Facial Feminisation Thesis

My Top Tips for FFS Patients

Disclaimers, Promises and My Qualifications

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and FFS



Welcome to

Virtual FFS

The Virtual Facial Feminisation Website


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I've created this site to help you plan your facial feminisation surgery.


I'm currently in the process of clearing a large backlog after taking a break for a while, but I am still doing Virtual FFS and the website should be open again in the next few months. Sorry for the inconvenience.


What I Do:

1. I assess your face and explain what makes it look masculine.

2. I explain which surgical procedures are likely to make your face more feminine.

3. I alter photographs of your face in Photoshop to show you how the surgery is likely to look.

4. But please remember - Virtual FFS is not about exact predictions - it's a starting point designed to help you get to know your face and its feminisation possibilities, and to help you set your priorities for FFS. Your final result will depend on the procedures you choose, your individual anatomy, how you heal, and the abilities and techniques of your surgeon.


How To Use this Service:

1. Read through the What To Send Me page.

2. Email the photos and information I need to virtualffs@btopenworld.com.

3. I might ask you to retake the pictures if they are not quite usable, and I might ask for some additional information, but once I have everything I need, I will send you a link to the checkout and tell you when you can expect to receive the enhanced pictures and assessment.


How Much Does it Cost?

To see my prices, just click on my Prices & Checkout page.


About Me and Virtual FFS:

I have 20 years experience working with facial gender, during which I have worked on maybe 5000 faces, and I have conducted independent research into facial gender. I have also collaborated closely with Facial Team since 2011, and this has enabled me to observe FFS surgery first-hand, as well as to follow cases from the simulations, through surgery, to the healed result.

My research has redefined some aspects of facial feminisation - for example, I was the first researcher to point out that feminine hairlines are actually higher in the middle than masculine ones, and that feminine eyebrows are not higher than masculine eyebrows in the way that many assume. I have also spoken at WPATH on facial gender.

You can read my research throughout the website. I hope it will help you understand your own needs and feel more confident during consultations with surgeons. I also hope it will help surgeons better understand the key differences between male and female faces so that they can achieve more natural results for their patients, and avoid putting them through unnecessary procedures.

Many patients are given very long lists of procedures by some surgeons, and it is my job to show you which procedures will help you, but also those which won't help, or that could even have a negative effect. By showing patients procedures they can avoid, I like to think I have put tens of thousands of dollars back into the pockets of trans women around the world.


I do not have a payment button on the site. Instead, once I have all the pictures and information I need from you, I will email you a payment request through PayPal.

Have a look at my page of Reviews. Thanks to all who have contributed so far :-)

Although I am happy to work with the Facial Team surgeons and find that we have very similar approaches to facial feminisation and ethics, I remain independent from them and give a second opinion during the consultations I attend. If I disagree with them on any aspect of your case, I will say so.

If you quote anything from my website or my thesis, please credit the source - thank you. Do not use any pictures from the site without my permission.


I Support Water Aid. Please click on the link for more information about this important charity and please note: I receive nothing for hosting the link.